Contact Info

98 Post St, Maxuel Street, Frankfurt

575 Market St, Maxuel Street, Frankfurt

  • +2858 62359 32159

GEN AI Revolution

Deepiotics Academy is leading the charge in bridging AI innovation with real-world business applications. Our DBA program in Managing Generative AI Product Development empowers professionals to transform industries like healthcare, real estate, and marketing through hands-on AI solutions.By partnering with globally accredited universities, we provide a unique opportunity to earn both a prestigious degree and a specialized certification, setting graduates up for success in the rapidly evolving AI-driven economy.

meet our industry experts

Named in ‘Asia’s 25 Most Powerful People’ by Fortune Magazine

Olivia Hall

CEO and Co-Founder


Named in ‘Asia’s 25 Most Powerful People’ by Fortune Magazine

Olivia Hall

CEO and Co-Founder


Named in ‘Asia’s 25 Most Powerful People’ by Fortune Magazine

Olivia Hall

CEO and Co-Founder


“Michel is a solid experienced sounding board and helps me cut through the noise. The tools helped me stay … “

Test Name


“Michel is a solid experienced sounding board and helps me cut through the noise. The tools helped me stay … “

Test Name


Deepiotics Academy Learner Support

Talk to us 7 days a week 9AM to 9PM IST or someone will reach out to you

Indian Nationals

Indian Nationals